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Feb 12, 2023

I am done with work. I am free. It feels weird and it takes some time to adjust. I feel like I shouldn't have quit and I could've worked still since I feel okay this weekend! But I think it's my body finally relaxing a bit, knowing I don't have to work here. And I guess it's better now rather than worrying about 3 sites to work in and their mandatory overtime in the upcoming weeks...

AAaaaaaanyways, I did want to make another layout, but I'm slowly doing that. For now, I think I'm just going to update my current one a little (maybe next week though). I did set up my blog site. still major wip, but whatever. Link will just be up top here if anyone is interested for any reason

Other plans for the site...I would also like to add a photos page. But I am now thinking...about how that will work... in regards with the blog......... I guess... it depends on what photos I'm sharing......... but I think I have to rethink diary/journal yet again......I don't know why I struggle with this so much but yeah. But in any case, I am going with my bf when he leaves for work on Monday. He drives for a living! So it's a good chance to finally try my instax

Hoping to hopefully work on at least one of my shrines or the lyrics collection too.

Jan 28, 2023

Hey hello been a moment. Things been going on my end with some changes. I should have more time soon to do whatever, since I gave my 2 weeks on Thursday.

I want to do an overhaul on my site. There are many sites I've seen with layouts that I like a lot better. I like the busy layouts a lot but I don't think that's really me. And I've seen a lot of more simpler layouts that very nice and cool! So wish me luck there. Also need to update links......

I know I keep flip flopping on my blog/journal/diary/whatever, but I really want an actual space for my thoughts and feelings that I don't need to worry so much about how I sound. Just a lot better for me. So I'm going to make another site! I'm keeping this for basic updates still.

Jan 14, 2023

Hello, I know yet again I have another journal/blog/whatever, but I might just have to retire my blog unless I want to talk about something else. My dreamwidth would probably still be used, but I just wanted something easy and quick on my site to talk about whatever esp about ideas for my site lol. Or maybe I should revamp everything... lol I don't really have a place if I wanted to post pics and I don't really want to use dreamwidth or tumblr for that. Think for now, it'll be for status updates? Particularly longer ones, since the is working great :)

But we'll see how this will last lol.

I've been coloring manga pages lately particularly chapter covers, since the coloring apps are mostly pay to use. And I'm quite happy with some of them so I wanted to post them somewhere! I hope I'm not coming off like really... narcisstic I guess? I know it's really due to the art that my coloring looks okay, but it was fun to just mess around. Figured out which brushes I enjoyed using although I didn't...fave or remember But came out a little better than I thought